Escape to the tranquil sanctuary of Arnetta, where luxury meets nature...
Unwind in the lap of mother nature at your Arnetta luxury stay, the perfect hideout nestled seamlessly amidst the lush woods. Our haven promises a bird’s eye view of untouched nature, while indulging your senses with unparalleled comfort and premium decor. Each of our exquisite rooms is designed to provide a spacious and opulent retreat, blending modern amenities with rustic charm. From plush bedding to high-end furnishings, every detail is crafted to pamper and delight you. Each cottage is thoughtfully designed and well-spaced out, with an ample distance between them to ensure privacy.
Note: Children below 12 years are not allowed in Arnetta.
Escape to the tranquil sanctuary of Arnetta, where luxury meets nature...
Welcome to Arnetta Family, your haven of luxury amidst the verdant woods...
This package that offer all that you need renew, rejuvenate and relax.